Dead Ends - Second Coming LP


Dead Ends second LP from 1986. This is my personal favorite, but maybe only because when this music was harder to hear and come across, this is the one I was lucky enough to hear a couple years before the rest. Dialing up the intensity just a bit more, Dead Ends releases an album completely on par with their first in terms of quality, but if you like that “hard punk” sound between punk and hardcore, or early hardcore era of southern California bands this may tip the scales to being even better than their first. Comparisons to bands like early TSOL, Angry Samoans, or Stains (particularly in the way Dead Ends and Stains could both drop in an absolutely shredding solo or more technical guitar part and it sound totally cool and natural) get you to where Dead Ends is headed on this album, but as before, with their own unique style.

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